For five seasons, he has guided dreams on the leading Nigerian singing competition. But step away from the Nigerian Idol stage’s glitz and garlands; seasoned broadcaster IK Osakioduwa is laying down a different kind of foundation. In this exclusive chat, the media personality reveals his bold leap into entrepreneurship, unveiling his brand-new radio station, Light Radio 95.
5 FM, built from the ground up with his own vision and investment. He tells TOMI FALADE why he believes radio is far from obsolete and how he’s channeling his hunger, determination, and resilience to empower the next generation of media stars Five years after, tell us about your most memorable moments on the show. That’s a tough question because I have memorable moments at every stage.
From the first stage, when the contestants come in and get picked for the show, I still remember Progress’s first audition, I still remember Chima’s first audition. Watching people come in with a dream, a desire, chasing a passion or something they believe in but are not completely sure of, and then seeing them transition to that place where they start to believe, it’s incredible. It’s like The Matrix, where they say, “He’s beginning to believe,” and then he starts working some wonders.
It’s the same way on Nigerian Idol. You see them, all of a sudden, start to believe. Watching them move forward and eventually become who they are meant to be is amazing.
So, it happens in different stages for me—watchi.