
What do red light , microcurrent , peels, microneedling, and laser-hair removal all have in common? To start, they're all treatments you can get under the care of a professional, but they're also available to you in the comfort of your home with the right beauty gadget. We love the convenience of being able to improve our skin with the click of a button while sitting on the couch, but that's not to say that at-home beauty treatments are foolproof. This is top of mind right now because on Jan.

17, TikTok user Amina of @ItsMeMien posted a now-viral video claiming that a popular, celebrity-endorsed skin-care device caused her to experience Bell's palsy, a temporary weakness or paralysis on one side of the face. In the video, she said she only used the device twice on its lowest level before immediately noticing an issue. The device in question is the Medicube Age-R Booster Pro , which has a plethora of different features, including microcurrent, LED, and electromagnetic stimulation.

People in the comments were understandably alarmed, but it may not be time to ditch your tool just yet. The brand has released a statement refuting the claims , providing an in-depth response confirming that the Booster Pro does not cause Bell's palsy. Additionally, we spoke to experts who believe it's highly unlikely to be related.

(FWIW, one of our PS editors has also used the device herself on multiple occasions without issue.) To get to the bottom of this event, we chatted with three doctors who .

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