
Bamboo is not a viable choice as an organic or non-toxic material. The industry has aggressively marketed it as the eco-friendly future of fashion, with countless blogs extolling the benefits of bamboo fabrics. However, the truth is that while bamboo is a fast-growing plant, that does not equate to a worry-free fabric.

Raw bamboo fibre cannot be directly transformed into fabric; it must undergo a harsh chemical process known as viscose rayon production. This involves dissolving bamboo plant matter with toxic solvents like carbon disulfide to produce a pulp that is then further treated with hazardous chemical additives such as formaldehyde and bleaching agents. The chemical-intensive manufacturing process results in significant air and water pollution, and the solvents used have been linked to neurological damage, reproductive issues, and cancer among factory workers.

Stella McCartney Buys LVMH’s Share Back: Sustainability, Ethics and Fashion. Sustainability Police On Bamboo Material The toxicity concerns do not stop there. The various dyes, bleaches, and softeners applied to bamboo fabric can be irritating and potentially harmful upon direct contact with the skin.

Residual chemicals left in the bamboo textile fibres can be absorbed through the skin when wearing bamboo clothing, making it far from safe, particularly for children. Coldplay Concert: A Spectacular Fusion of Music and Sustainability! The production of bamboo fabric invariably involves hazardous chemical treatmen.

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