
CNN anchor , R-Ga., Tuesday that , an early childhood educational program that also provides food to low-income children, could be affected by . McCormick responded with the head-spinning suggestion that the country’s child labor laws are too restrictive and that plenty of kids are freeloaders who ought to work for their lunch.

There has been a lot of confusion and changing information surrounding Trump's attempted freeze and the potential impact on programs such as Head Start — I'll discuss more about that later. But McCormick’s remarks still matter, since they demonstrate how Trump's political strategies echo the old-school GOP playbook for abandoning the poor. In the interview with Brown, the 56-year-old McCormick responded to the question of whether he supported getting rid of school lunch for vulnerable kids with a jaw-dropping rant: When asked if all the kids in his district who get free lunch or breakfast should be cut off, McCormick said, “Of course not.

” But he suggested that some of them should. “Who can actually go and actually produce their own income? Who can actually go out there and do something that makes them have value and work skills for the future?” McCormick queried. He added that getting kids to work for their lunch would induce them to think “about their future instead of thinking about how they’re going to sponge off the government when they don’t need to.

” The status of Trump’s order freezing huge amounts of federal funding is .

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