
The Beatles happen to be the most-covered artists of all time – and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why. Their enduring cultural influence is just one part of what makes the Fab Four possibly the greatest musical act of all time, having cemented their place in the Hall of Fame – literally and figuratively. Not to be left behind are their songs – most of which have long withstood the test of time and become the soundtrack of many a life.

If musical genius wasn’t enough, The Beatles’ success is backed by solid data. The four-member band is considered to be the most successful musical act of all time, having sold over a record-breaking 600 millions albums worldwide. With 20 number-one hits on the Billboard Hot 100 charts, the Fab Four’s generation-defining music revolutionised the industry and changed the history of music as we know it.

Being the most successful artists of all time comes with its own set of perks – one of them being eternally lasting relevance. Widely regarded as the most-covered artists of all time, The Beatles recorded almost 200 original songs, leaving the artists who came after them no dearth of music to choose from. With legendary singles like Let It Be and Here Comes The Sun, it may come as a surprise then, that The Beatles’ most-covered song of all time is actually Yesterday, as per the Guinness Book of Records.

With over 1,600 recorded renditions of the song, it remains unprecedented in its popularity even today. In fact, the Bro.

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