
Often regarded as one of the greatest writers in modern literature, Stephen King has produced novels that have gone down in history as some of the best horror stories of all time. The Stand , IT , Pet Semetery , The Shining , Carrie ..

. Chances are that if you haven't read these stories or seen the TV/movie adaptations, then you've almost certainly heard of them. But when it comes to cracking jokes on social media, even Mr.

King himself would readily admit that he has some work to do. Case in point, the author posted a Pokémon joke to BlueSky recently that he immediately stated was "not very good". Even some of the comments agree that he could have done better here, with ‪John-James Turner stating "Stick to writing great novels.

.." and ‪ AndyLeeeeeee simply exclaiming "COME ON, NOW".

Still, a lot more folks are lapping it up because...

well, it's Stephen King. It just goes to show that even those with a natural flair for writing can struggle to come up with decent jokes now and then!.

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