
Blizzard has confirmed that it will revive some World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore characters that were killed off during a DDoS attack that affected the stability of raids over the last few days. Those of you who enjoy WoW Classic have been having a rough time recently as a DDoS attack (distributed denial-of-service) has been causing plenty of you to disconnect mid-match. In a standard game, this would be annoying, but not much else.

However, in a hardcore server, when you die, your character becomes a ghost and cannot be resurrected, effectively ending your run. One of the game's most famous guilds, OnlyFangs, said, " If this is just how it is, then yeah, that's the end ," deciding to stop raiding after some of their members lost characters due to being disconnected by the DDoS attack. But now, in an update shared to the Blizzard forums , associate production director Clay Stone writes: "In the future, Blizzard may elect – at our sole discretion – to revive Hardcore characters that perish in a mass event which we deem inconsistent with the integrity of the game, such as a DDoS attack.

" That's welcome news for Hardcore fans who previously had to take it on the chin, even if their character died unfairly or unintentionally through something like a DDoS. Don't go intentionally disconnecting if you think you're about to die, though, as Stone adds: "Our broader stance on character restorations or death appeals has not changed. To be clear, we do not intend to revive characte.

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