Final Fantasy XIV is a truly expansive MMO. There are hundreds of hours of Main Scenario Quest (MSQ) content, and that’s without counting side quests, content not related to the story, or duties outside of it. There’s a whole world to get lost in, and it can seem a bit daunting, but it's not so bad if you break it down into manageable chunks.
Table of contentsA Realm RebornPost-ARR MSQ questsHeavenswardDragonsong WarPost-Dragonsong WarStormbloodPost-StormbloodPost-ShadowbringersEndwalkerPost-EndwalkerDawntrailPost DawntrailA Realm RebornImage via Square EnixBetween level 1 and 15, you’ll have different quests depending on where you start your journey. You’ll need to complete 160 - 160 MSQ quests (Ul’dah gets one extra, for some reason) to get through the bulk of ARR. As this is the first introduction to the world of FFXIV, I’ll note down where to find each quest to help you along.
Starting City: GridaniaClasses: Lancer, Archer, ConjurerLevelQuestNPC1Coming to GridaniaBertennantNew Gridania(X:13.6, Y:14.1)1Close to HomeMother MiounneNew Gridania(X:11.
7, Y:13.5)4To the BannockMother MiounneNew Gridania(X:11.7, Y:13.
5)5Passing MusterGalfridCentral Shroud(X:23.4, Y:19.9)5Chasing ShadowsGalfridCentral Shroud(X:23.
4, Y:19.9)7Eggs over QueasyGalfridCentral Shroud(X:23.4, Y:19.
9)8Surveying the DamageMonranguinCentral Shroud(X:25.5, Y:19.3)9A Soldier’s BreakfastPaulineCentral Shroud(X:27.
2, Y:20.8)9Spirithold BrokenGalfridCentral Shroud(X:23.4, Y:19.
9)10On to BentbranchMo.