Dear Abby: My husband is soon to have his first book published. We have both waited a long time for this moment and are thrilled that he’ll finally have this achievement under his belt. While I never had any real expectation about a possible dedication, I thought I might get a short mention.
Instead, the dedication went to someone he didn’t know personally, and I was completely left out. His co-author took the opportunity to acknowledge their spouse in addition to other people, and now I am sad that he wouldn’t acknowledge my support. I’m not sure if I should say anything to him about it.
If I do and he changes the dedication, it won’t really be from him. If I wait, I will continue to feel slighted. He is a dedicated husband and supports me in everything I do, so is this a big deal just because I feel like it is? What to do, if anything? — Unacknowledged in the East Dear Unacknowledged: I am sure your husband had his reasons for dedicating the book the way he did.
Because this is a big deal for you, point out the effect the omission has had on you. Communication is important in healthy marriages, and if you stuff this, it will continue to fester. Dear Abby: Two months ago, I began seeing a male friend.
He’s involved with my close female friend, but she treats him like garbage. I’ve witnessed it myself. I’m not sorry for dating him; she deserves to be alone.
They have no children. I’m not trying to be foolish about this situation. Do you think I’m a terri.