
It barely feels like the new year has begun, but 2025 is surging ahead and the season of all things love is just around the corner. In Final Fantasy XIV , that means that Valentione’s Day is making a return, and it will all begin on February 3. Get ready to grab your beau and head down to Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre, because the 2025 Valentione’s event , “With Roses from the Heart” is coming to Eorzea in a little over a week (from the time of writing).

Beginning on February 3 and running until February 17, players will have the opportunity to complete a whole new love-themed quest to earn a rather special emote. Dote has long been the go-to emote for those wanting to express their love to special friends in FFXIV , and more recently in 2024, we got the Love Heart emote to go alongside it. Now, another emote, the Bouquet emote, is up for grabs for anyone who completes the Valentione’s Event in 2025.

As a side note, if you missed out on the Love Heart emote and are itching to get your hands on it, the start of this year’s Valentione’s event will also bring the Heart emote to the FFXIV Online Store , so you’ll have a chance to fork out a small amount of real-life money and add it to your ever-growing collection. Valentione’s Day 2025 will begin at 3 a.m.

EST on February 3, and the emote isn’t the only new thing that will be available. As always, we’ll see another unique housing item to be purchased with Gil . This year, this item is the “Heartfelt Valenti.

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