
You may not have noticed, but 's Sunday Lunch broadcast series has been quiet of late, with new episodes appearing with less frequency than in days of yore. Instead, old episodes have been sneakily re-uploaded, presumably in the hope that publishers like ourselves don't notice and write stories proclaiming the pair's ongoing weekly genius. Last week, for instance, a typically delightful albeit ragged cover of The Cardigans' 1998 single appeared on Toyah's YouTube channel.

"It's a funny one this week!" read the description beneath the video, as if it were a new clip. "Enjoy, guys!" Well, the same video originally appeared on the same channel on December 5, 2022. See what we mean? In this post-truth world, even the King Crimson man and his post-punk princess bride appear capable of twisting reality into deceitful new shapes.

Well, we're not falling into that particular trap. However, we're thrilled to announce that this week they're back with an actual new performance. In the latest clip, Frippcox perform a playful cover of by Australian oiks , and a very creditable performance it is, too.

Fripp snarls like he's auditioning for , and Willcox dances alluringly on the table because that's just one of the many things she's good at. In barely tangential news, earlier this month King Crimson announced a partnership with Nugs, the online platform that hosts recordings of live performances by acts like , , and Dead & Company. The first fruits of the deal are now online, and all 19 sho.

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