
Sheri Gray never fails to give her time and talent to lift up Special Olympics athletes in Northwest Missouri. Gray graduated with a Physical Education major not realizing this would be the gateway to her journey as a coach for Special Olympics Missouri. Gray now juggles a busy schedule coaching multiple sports for the Special Olympics — softball, basketball, bowling, and track and field.

“I needed volunteer hours as a physical education major and that’s how I was introduced to Special Olympics,” she said. “It’s amazing to get praised by people for doing something that also makes me feel good. I get very emotional about it because all of the athletes are like my kids.

” A more than decade-long career has given her extended families she will cherish for a lifetime. “One boy in particular I’ve had as an athlete since he was 8 years old and he’s 22 now,” Gray said. “We still keep in touch and I’m constantly letting him and his mom know he’s just like my own.

” She encourages everyone to volunteer, describing it as an opportunity that will leave a lasting impact on a person’s life..

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