
Roses and hydrangeas are popular plants that can be found in many British gardens . During the spring and summer months, hydrangeas and roses produce stunning blooms in a plethora of colours. While beautiful, these plants can be difficult to look after, requiring pruning, fertilising and care throughout the year to thrive.

One of the most important tasks gardeners must do in spring to ensure their roses and hydrangeas produce beautiful flowers later in the year is to feed them. With this in mind, Express.co.

uk spoke exclusively to two gardening experts about how to get roses and hydrangeas to explode with dozens of blooms in the summer. Liam Cleary, a gardening expert from the Old Railway Line Garden Centre , said roses need a balanced fertiliser while hydrangeas need a nutrient-rich feed. He said: "Roses benefit from regular feeding with a balanced fertiliser, especially in spring and mid-summer, to support strong growth and vibrant blooms.

"Hydrangeas, on the other hand, thrive on a nutrient-rich feed high in potassium and phosphorus, applied in spring and after flowering to promote lush foliage and beautiful flowers." Roses require a mix of essential nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in even amounts in order to thrive. Hydrangeas require phosphorus to help their roots develop and produce flowers, and potassium to help them regulate water and fight diseases.

If your hydrangea has purple leaves, it could be a sign of a phosphorus deficiency. Nitrogen is.

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