
The book, in explicit details chronicled the life and times of one of the most accomplished but controversial leaders of the Nigerian nation. The greatest attraction of the author’s life is that it provides to the readers, the advantages of viewing from one google glass, the history that spans the pre and post independence and war periods in Nigeria which in turn, gives the opportunity of a wholistic information on the events of that time, The book further teaches a life lesson to all those who intend to learn from the experiences of others,, particularly, those whose vision is not beclouded by narrow-mindedness, hatred and crass ignorance. Those who are interested in the message rather than looking for the fault of the messenger.

Of course, there are those who are bitter because they lost the loved ones in the games of chess that were played in the palaces, particularly, the Dodan Barrack, with very dangerous skirmishes that characterised the first three republics in Nigeria. However, the fact that such families lost the payoff does not obliterate the fact that the book presented the experiences of the author in a fair and unbiased narration. Despite everything, the book is worth every dime spent on it for several reasons and because the lessons learnable from its content are legion.

The criticism of the book, particularly in terms of its accuracy further reinforced the awful nature of the Nigerian populace who usually cry “ more than the bereaved,” An autobiography is.

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