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[+] ensure you are respectful and don’t become a problem tourist. getty Across Europe, overtourism is sparking protests and pushbacks. In Spain, residents have sprayed visitors with water guns while ‘go home’ signs and graffiti have appeared in many cities.

If you’re planning on visiting the continent this summer, following a few basic etiquette rules can ensure you are respectful and don’t become a problem tourist. Nicolas Bresch, Club Med's Managing Director across the UK, Ireland and Nordics, has a few top tips to follow. 1.

Try The Mother Tongue “Learning just a few basic phrases in the mother tongue when abroad can be a huge sign of respect to residents and help create instant connections with people,” says Bresch. Beyond common words such as, hello, goodbye, please and thank you, you could try learning phrases that would aid in asking for directions, food or drink, or even just friendly chit-chat. “Making the effort to use the native language can help build rapport with people, whilst also offering practicality—such as being able to ask where the toilets are!” 2.

Have Respect For Culture And Tradition Respecting the culture and traditions of the country you’re staying in is essential to make sure you are not causing offence. In countries such as Italy and Greece, respecting cultural tradition.