Letters submitted by BDN readers are verified by BDN Opinion Page staff. Send your letters to letters@bangordailynews.com There’s no debate: Political violence from any angle is never justified, is always wrong, and is always counterproductive.

Violence just begets more violence. The assassination attempt on Donald Trump was a reprehensible act and has been roundly condemned by all decent and thoughtful people. But now, many in the GOP are using this event to press their demand that Democrats stop saying that electing Trump in November would spell the end of our democracy.

They argue that statements to this effect are what led to this violent act. I think such assertions are as cynical as they are hypocritical given extreme charges they have directed at President Joe Biden. Somewhat to their point, though, I would suggest that the Democrats stop focusing just on Trump when raising the alarm about the threat to our “American experiment” since I think it is the entire leadership of the GOP that is the menace.

Prominent Republicans like Sens. Lindsey Graham , Ted Cruz , and Marco Rubio , among others, once offered withering condemnations of Trump — with harsh critiques regarding the man’s dishonesty, character flaws, and incompetence. Now they and many others at both national and state leadership positions (along with the conservative majority in the Supreme Court) have fallen into line and, I believe in worker bee-fashion, are preparing the ground to make this convict.