When I was younger, I didn't really know I was getting body shamed. I had times where I would get weighed and I had to be a certain weight, and I never understood why. But now that I look back, that's trauma.

I still have issues trying to convince myself that it's OK to eat certain things, that it's OK to go out with your friends and eat a meal with them. There are times when it is a struggle. But I am overcoming that.

That's something I work on every single day. What's helped me navigate that is understanding I'm human and I'm a woman and in order for me to be able to perform, I have to be well-nourished. The nutrition that I put into my body is only going to help me perform.

The biggest thing now in my mind now is, "Is this too much? Is this too little?" That's kind of the trigger point right now, but as I've been getting older and understanding my body more, I've been trying to figure that all out. I spoke out about the experience in 2021, because I felt like I had more confidence within myself to actually speak about something so harsh that happened in my life. Yes, it did take some time obviously, because it happened back in 2017.

I think it was just trying to understand, who is this going to benefit? Is it only going to benefit me, because I'm getting things off my chest, or am I going to be able to help people who've had the exact same experience? And when I spoke out, there were some people who had no idea, because they knew who my coach was. Some people were like, "W.