The news? It’s hot. In my neck of the woods (Los Angeles), we’ve been staring down heat advisories for weeks now, with temperatures reaching the triple digits in some neighborhoods. And Southern California is no exception — all over the country (and the world) record-breaking heat is bearing down on people, sometimes with extreme consequences .

And given all the heavy weather-related news swirling around these past few weeks, I thought it might be helpful to write about something that could bring the temperature down a little — both metaphorically and literally. So here it is: For months, I’ve been researching the drinks that people in hot places use to cool down. And while there are too many great ones to put in this newsletter – after all, the world is vast, and a lot of it is pretty toasty — I’m going to share five of my favorites that have been getting me through the warmer days in my air conditioner-free apartment .

Remember: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Or as I like to say, roughly 104 ounces of water is worth a pound of heat stroke . So drink up, my friends.

And keep following our coverage — across NPR, we’ll continue to follow this extreme heat, its disproportionate effects on communities of color , and the consequences it’s had for people’s ability to live , thrive , worship and work . Until then, try to stay cool any way you can. And in the immortal words of my colleague B.

A. Parker: HYDRATE. This story was written by Leah.