ANDREW NEIL: My guess is that this election is still Trump's to lose - just. But unless he starts attacking Harris on policy and not trivia, lose it he will By Andrew Neil, Daily Mail Published: 01:30 BST, 27 July 2024 | Updated: 01:37 BST, 27 July 2024 e-mail View comments Joe Biden was always Donald Trump 's preferred Democratic opponent in this year's U.S.

presidential election . Trump was confident he could beat him. He wanted revenge for his defeat at Biden's hands four years before (vengeance matters to someone as self-absorbed as Trump).

He even called off the Republican dogs of war on Capitol Hill when they began moves to impeach Biden. Nothing could be allowed to get in the way of a Trump v Biden rematch. He feared a younger, more energetic Democratic opponent would prove a tougher nut to crack.

Bar one: Vice President Kamala Harris . 'Cackling Kamala' would be even easier to beat than 'Sleepy Joe', he'd chortle to his inner circle. He's not chortling now.

The sudden emergence of Harris as the Democrat he must beat to reclaim the White House has caught Team Trump flat-footed. Republicans have been taken aback by the speed of the switch, the near-unanimous manner in which leading Democrats — many her rivals for the crown — quickly flocked behind her, and the millions flowing into her campaign coffers (more than $80million within days of Biden stepping aside). Barely ten days ago, Donald Trump pretty much had the presidency in the bag, but not anymore as the U.

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